Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2 CORINTHIANS 4:8-9, Thank you God for 2020

Many will say that 2020 is not the best year or the best way to start a new decade.

Maybe I'm one of them too - at least in the beginning.

But ending the year...

With tears, I feel grateful.

God is really, really faithful.

I remember entering 2020 with full of excitement in me for my thought says, "this year will be different".

I wonder how it feels to have a new chapter in life with the only man I have ever prayed of.

But then COVID 19 happens and it crushed many things - well my dream wedding.

Yes, it seems that my dream wedding covers that "many things" at least for my perspective.

It's like our wedding is my "everything" for that year.

That having a good and wonderful wedding means a happy and perfect 2020 for me.

Not knowing God has in store something far better for me this year.

Early this year, I wrote a blog for valentines entitled "When God brought the woman to the man"


I can say this is my biggest break so far as a writer.

Then when Covid 19 break out last March, it moved me to write my so-called "Covid 19 Series" which reached many people too.

COVID 19 - 1

COVID 19- 2

COVID 19- 3

In April of this year, I started to paint almost every day to cope with the feelings the lockdown has brought me.

I posted my artworks on social media and to my surprise God has sent people who have appreciated and liked them.

Some even asked me to paint for them and that's how I started to earn from it.

September came, who would have thought we will get married - not our way but His way.


November, God has blessed my heart by giving me the opportunity to host an art workshop for the first time!

Then later this year, I have launched my own sticker sets!

- Not only stickers but also cards, tags, calendars, and other customized artsy things. 

I have not thought any of this will come true this year.

My focus is only on that dream wedding but God took my attention by some turn of events.

2020 might have brought me heartbreaks, disappointments, anxiety, doubts, fear, and many negative feelings but I'm still here.

By the grace of God, I'm still here in my faith.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed but not despairing; persecuted but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed.

I realized, maybe we have had a lot of hardship this year and it feels this world is against us - well that is normal.

Jesus reminded us that if it feels that the world hates us, It hated him first (John 15:18)

And if we continue to read 2 Corinthians, in verse 10-11, it says,

Always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

We know Jesus did not live the life of pleasure this world defines.

He was betrayed, denied, mocked, scourged, nailed, and crucified - yet in all of these, He is victorious!

He has won the greatest enemy no one has ever defeated which is death.

So to us, Cheers!

God has accomplished all His good plans for us this year - His way, His time.

He is indeed not a man that He should lie for He cannot deny Himself.

God did not just give me the marriage He has promised but in His goodness and grace, He brought me blessing more than I have asked for this year.

2 Corinthians 2:14

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ and manifest through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.

May this sweet aroma of Christ be upon you.

Happy almost New Year!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this! Who would have thought that all of these were fulfilled in your life in just a year ate? ONLY HIM! I am inspired and reminded once again how can God really turn something undesirable into something so beautiful and personal for us. ❤

    May you have a whole lot or learnings again this 2021 Ate! Love love.

    1. Who would have thought? - Yes, Only Him :) lets get to know Him more this year cess :)



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